Our focus on seniority makes us perform better!

In general, we work with hiring management group executives and experienced professionals and consultants. However, the pyramids are deteriorating, organizations are becoming more virtual and value is created by input and not position. We therefore feel the traditional attempt to describe a search firm’s level or niche as "executive" is inadequate.

Target compensation levels is another way of trying to cut the cake and indicate the seniority level of our searches. We normally start at NOK 700.000 and work up to 2-4 million (salaries in Norway are unfortunately not too lucrative). For some of our clients and candidates, however, it is not the income, but the stock incentives that count.

From a candidate education perspective, we most often are looking for top master candidates (often in Business or Engineering), sometimes topped with a respected MBA diploma, but there are, of course, interesting exceptions. We seldom look for candidates with less than four years of relevant work experience.